torsdag 14 februari 2019

Irish Soda bread

So its cold here in Sweden and I miss home and my mom. So when I need a cuddle and a taste of home I break out my grandmothers recipe for Irish Soda Bread. The smell while its baking is divine and I can never wait till it cools to cut a slice and slather it with butter. It is also one of the easiest breads to make, with no messing around with yeast. From start to finish it can be done under an hour! Who doesn't love fresh bread straight from the oven.

There is a lovely tradition that we have which is to score a cross in the bread before baking. According to my grandmother its to let the devil out, and my great grandmother always claimed it was to let the fairies out or the bread would be ruined. I like to think it helps give the bread an even cooking and is so helpful when cutting into slices.  It reminds me of an Italian sharing bread. 

You may find the mix slightly wet but dont alarmed thats how its supposed to be.

Irish Soda Bread

What you will need:

350g Wholemeal flour
125g Plain flour
400ml Buttermilk
1 teaspoon Bicarbonate of Soda
0.5 teaspoon Salt

What you do it:

  1. Sieve the plain flour, salt and bicarbonate of soda in a large bowl.
  2. Mix in the wholemeal flour.
  3.  Add the buttermilk to make a soft dough.
  4. Turn out onto a floured board and gently bring the mixture together into a ball.
  5. Place onto a floured baking sheet. 
  6. Cut a deep cross (not all way through) in top of dough.
  7. Put in center of the oven and bake at 200C for about 40 mins.
  8. The bread will be done when it has a golden crust and you can tap the bottom of the bread and it has a hollow sound.

If you cant get buttermilk, substitute milk with a couple of spoonfuls of lemon juice. Allow the mix to sit for 5 mins before use. 

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